Vivian: I don’t believe in the Bible or Christianity

Kenyan musician Vivian has never been one to shy away from speaking her mind, but her latest revelations have stirred the waters like never before.

Vivian’s voice, once harmonising with the familiar chords of Christian belief, has now taken on a new melody—one that challenges the very foundations she once stood upon.

With conviction, she questioned the roots of Christianity, describing it not as a path to enlightenment, but as a chain of control and fear.

Her statements have sparked widespread discussion and concern among her followers.

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In a TikTok video posted on August 21, Vivian explained why she no longer believes in Christianity.

“Can I tell you why I don’t believe in Christianity? I don’t think I had a choice. The foundation of Christianity is control and fear. It is living your whole life experience out of a book,” Vivian said.

She went on to criticise how Christianity dictates every aspect of a person’s life, using the Bible as a tool to justify actions that can be harmful to others.

“All your choices, everything about who you are, is determined by one book. And someone can hate you, condemn you, ostracize you, belittle you, dehumanize you, and justify all of these actions by using this one book which they call the holy book. That’s wrong,” she added.

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For Vivian, the essence of existence isn’t bound by the pages of a holy book but is interwoven with the fabric of the universe itself.

She spoke of the power within each human soul, a force she believes is stifled by religious dogma.

“I believe in the power of our souls, in the power of creation, in the power of creativity. I believe that we are part of a bigger world, a big universe. We are all connected,” she explained.

She also touched on the role of women in Christianity, criticizing the notion that women are secondary to men according to the Bible.

“The book makes women an afterthought because the man was created first, and then the woman was created to serve the man. Yet it is the woman who creates and carries life in her body. So at what point do we say that this one book has the right to govern our lives? It’s not right,” Vivian argued.

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Vivian didn’t stop there. She went on to describe Christianity as a disease and a brainwash, claiming that it is an institution designed to control people and empower only a select few.

“Christianity is like a disease. It is a brainwash. It is an institution that seeks to empower a few people and disempower everybody else,” she said.

Vivian urged her followers to take control of their own lives and not be restricted by religious teachings.

“You and I must take power into our hands. We must understand that we hold the power to be, to create, expand, and grow. To elevate and speak freedom, light, and love. These actions cannot be restricted to a book,” she emphasised.

She also shared her negative experiences with religious institutions, including her time in Bible school and her relationship with someone who identified as a ‘kingdom ambassador’.

“I have been in all those places, but the level of pain, control, and manipulation that is there can only lead you to your death. Believe me when I say Christianity is a cult,” Vivian declared.

Vivian’s message has left many of her fans talking, with some expressing concern that she has lost her way by questioning the faith she once believed in.

Some fans advised her to let Christianity be and suggested that the devil might be influencing her. In response, Vivian warned that she would block anyone who tried to criticise her beliefs.

Despite the backlash, Vivian remains firm in her stance, urging people to listen to their souls rather than follow religious doctrines blindly.

She believes that true freedom comes from understanding oneself, not from adhering to religious teachings.

Before making these controversial statements, Vivian had published a book titled Take Back Your Power, in which she explored themes of self-discovery and empowerment.

Her recent remarks seem to align with the message of her book, as she continues to advocate for personal freedom and spiritual independence.


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