5 behaviours that show Michael Saruni’s character in ‘Toxic’ is a narcissist

If you’ve been keeping up with Jackie Matubia’s YouTube series Toxic, you’ve undoubtedly experienced the raw depiction of what toxic relationships can look like, without needing to crack open a psychology book.

Premiering on April 17, 2024, the series has struck a chord with many viewers who find themselves relating to the storyline that Matubia has so skillfully brought to life.

Drawing from her own real-life experiences and those of people around her, Jackie Matubia has crafted a narrative that dives deep into the emotional turmoil of toxic relationships.

In ‘Toxic’, Jackie Matubia stars as Janet, while Michael Saruni takes on the role of Tim, and Auudi Rowa plays Cycy. With nine episodes already out, the series paints a vivid picture of the destructiveness of toxic relationships, with Tim embodying many traits of a classic narcissist.

Despite Michael Saruni being a laid-back, drama-free individual in reality, happily, in love, his portrayal of Tim is nothing short of compelling.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is characterised by a pattern of grandiosity, a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy.

Here are five behaviours that illustrate Tim’s narcissistic tendencies in the series.

One of the glaring signs of Tim’s narcissism is his financial exploitation of Janet. Tim is unemployed and heavily relies on Janet for financial support.

He frequently asks for money, promising to repay once his elusive ‘deals’ come through or he lands a job. However, Janet never sees a penny back.

Tim’s manipulation extends to borrowing money under pretenses, only to use it for his indulgences, such as clubbing or supporting other women.

Tim excels at turning the tables and portraying himself as the victim, even when he is clearly in the wrong.

In their frequent arguments, he deflects blame and makes Janet feel guilty for his actions. For instance, when Janet confronts him about his lies, Tim resorts to emotional manipulation, crying and claiming that everything he does is for her.

This tactic of playing the victim helps him avoid taking responsibility for his actions and keeps Janet in a state of emotional turmoil, constantly questioning her perceptions.

A hallmark of Tim’s narcissistic behaviour is his refusal to admit when he’s wrong. Despite clear evidence of his mistakes, he never acknowledges them or apologises.

Instead, he always finds a way to twist the situation and place the blame back on Janet.

This constant deflection erodes Janet’s confidence and self-esteem, making her feel perpetually at fault and responsible for the relationship’s issues.

Tim’s infidelity is another stark example of his narcissism. He cheats on Janet with other women while expecting her to remain faithful and perform traditional ‘wifely’ duties at home.

His blatant double standards and sense of entitlement highlight his disregard for Janet’s feelings and his belief that he is above reproach.

He even cheats with his baby mama.

Tim exploits love and intimacy to manipulate Janet. Aware of her deep love for him, he leverages this against her during conflicts.

He often threatens to leave but never follows through, knowing that Janet will always take him back.

Tim uses physical intimacy to ‘make up’ after arguments, falsely reassuring Janet that everything is resolved without addressing the root issues.

This cyclical pattern of manipulation traps Janet in a toxic relationship, unable to break free from Tim’s control.

Only time will tell if Janet will break through Tim’s chains. Otherwise, keep watching ‘Toxic’ to make sure you are not toxic or intoxicated!


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