Even spouses can’t be trusted – Bishop Kiengei reacts to Dama’s leaked phone call

Bishop Ben ‘Muthee Kiengei’ Kamau of JCM church in Ruiru has spoken out regarding a leaked phone conversation between Damaris Wanjiru, CEO of Dama Mobile Spares, and U.S.-based evangelist Wairimu Kimani.

The phone call between Wanjiru and Kimani has made waves on social media, where the two discussed personal and explosive issues related to Bishop Kiengei and his wife.

The call’s contents have stirred up speculation and controversy among followers of the church and the public alike.

Reacting to the revelations, Bishop Kiengei has urged his followers to exercise caution when trusting others with personal information.

He highlighted how betrayal can occur even from those considered close friends.

“You have seen a case where someone opened up to their friend in confidence, and then the information got to the public. If they could betray their close friend, imagine what could happen with someone more distant,” he remarked during a sermon on Wednesday.

To emphasise his point, he addressed one congregant directly: “Even Nyambura, whom you are seated next to, never disclose anything to her. It is better you take some information to the grave. People will leave you out in the open, like sweet potatoes that have been harvested.”

Bishop Kiengei went further, advising married couples to exercise caution in what they share with their spouses.

Pointing to another church member, he added, “Even you, Mrs. Charles, I think there are some things you should not tell Charles. Sometimes, you shouldn’t even trust the person you are married to.”

Dismissing allegations against his wife’s character, the Kameme FM presenter used humour saying, “I have turned the house upside down looking for even one roll. I could have used some because of how my head was swirling if that is what calms someone down.”

Bishop Kiengei also used the moment to caution his congregation against getting caught up in social media drama, which he described as intense and potentially damaging.

He reassured his followers, saying, “God cannot give you challenges you can’t overcome.”

Despite the unfolding controversy, the Bishop expressed his gratitude to his church members for their unwavering support throughout the ordeal.

In the wake of the controversial phonecall, Evangelist Wairimu Kimani has issued a heartfelt apology.

She claimed that the audio was recorded by a close friend who captured the conversation without her knowledge.

In her statement, Kimani expressed her deep regret, admitting she made a mistake in trusting her friend too much.

She emphasised that her intention was never to cause harm to anyone, especially not to the bishop, his family, or the JCM Church community.

“Women talk and trust each other with the things that hurt them the most,” she wrote.

Wairimu strongly denied accusations that she intentionally recorded the conversation to inflict harm.

She stated that she never intended for the private conversation to become public and clarified that her actions were not premeditated.

The U.S. based evangelist vowed to take legal action to clear her name, asserting that her accusers have refused to empathise with her situation, misinterpreting her as the villain.

In her apology, she also addressed Bishop Kiengei and his family directly, expressing sorrow for the pain she had caused.

“I am deeply sorry… I know I have caused a lot of pain to the bishop and members,” she stated.

Additionally, she asked for forgiveness from Damaris and the entire JCM Church.

The evangelist concluded by apologising to her fans and reaffirming her faith, vowing to work towards mending the damages caused by the situation.


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