Michelle Ntalami’s message to LGBTQ community as she embraces new identity

Businesswoman Michelle Ntalami has has finally spoken publicly about her personal transformation, months after accepting Jesus Christ as her Lord and Saviour.

In a heartfelt testimony, Michelle shared how her encounter with Christ has changed her life, reshaped her identity, and brought clarity to her purpose.

Michelle Ntalami describes her journey with Christ as a powerful and transformative experience.

She boldly declared, “I stand as a conqueror in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.” This statement reflects the depth of her faith and the newfound strength she feels after embracing Christianity. Michelle emphasises that her life has changed completely since she accepted Jesus Christ into her heart.

READ: Michelle Ntalami: I’ve dated men & they were part of painful experiences God showed me

One of the significant changes she revealed is that she no longer identifies as androsexual and no longer considers herself part of the LGBTQ+ community. This marks a pivotal shift in her identity, one she credits to God’s guidance.

Michelle shared that she took time to seek God about the issues that she had been facing.

During this time, she came to understand that the path she had previously taken was not in line with God’s plan for humanity.

She described her former journey as one filled with confusion and pain, particularly during a vulnerable period in her life when she was grappling with grief and loss.

“This path was never who I was. For a brief time, I took this wrong turn during a vulnerable time in my life where I was grappling with grief, loss and pain. I believed it would bring healing and truth. Conversely, it shattered and confused me more. Deep down, I knew it was never meant for me. On that day, God confirmed all this and set me free!” Michelle said.

READ: Michelle Ntalami: 5 major chapters of the CEO’s life that shaped her way to Christ

Michelle confessed that she initially thought the path she was on would heal her, but it left her even more broken and lost. However, she believes God has now set her free and given her clarity and peace.

“I took time to seek God on this prevalent stronghold in our world today. God Himself revealed to me the truth about this path and how it goes against His Divine plan for humanity. I now understand that it is a spiritual attack from the devil by deceiving people out of their true purpose and identity,” she said.

While Michelle’s personal transformation has led her to no longer identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community, she was careful to express her compassion for those still within the community. “I do not condemn you,” she emphasised. Michelle shared that she understands the struggles and challenges many people in the LGBTQ+ community face.

However, she stressed that she believes the truth comes from God’s Word, not from personal feelings, preferences, or experiences.

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Michelle urged those within the community to seek freedom by turning to God. She warned that the path she once followed, which she now believes is a spiritual attack, is harmful and not aligned with God’s plan.

“To the LGBTQ+ community and anyone practicing this publicly or discreetly; I want to emphasize that I do not condemn you. If anything, I understand your struggle. I pray for you with love and compassion.

“However, our feelings, preferences, experiences and culture does not determine the truth. Only God’s Word does. Friends, that is a wrong path. You are dealing with dark spiritual forces that are deeper than your own understanding. Get out while you can,” she said.

Michelle Ntalami also took a moment to apologise to those she may have misled during her journey. She expressed deep remorse for any influence she may have had, emphasising that it was never her intention to cause harm. “May my testimony point you to the only truth; Jesus Christ,” she stated, reaffirming her commitment to using her story to help others.

Michelle is determined to live boldly for Christ. She vows to use her platform to influence others for good, just as she was once bold in the secular world. Now, she is dedicated to standing firmly on God’s Word and sharing her testimony to bring positive change.

“Am I ashamed of my scars? Not at all. How then would you believe that our God is mighty to save? Thank you for walking with me! God asked me to share my story that it may shed a light to so many in bondage and spark a positive change in our society. I vowed to use my platform to influence for Christ. As bold as I was in the secular world, is as bold as I will be for Jesus,” she wrote.

In her powerful conclusion, Michelle made it clear that she no longer finds her identity in any worldly labels or groups but solely in Jesus Christ.

“I, Michelle Ntalami, stand for God’s Word alone, and my identity is found only in Christ,” she declared. For Michelle, this new identity in Christ represents freedom, peace, and a renewed sense of purpose.


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